Inger has been transformative in my daughter’s life

Before therapy she struggled with intense emotions, anger, and sadness, especially towards her family.

After working with Inger, we’ve seen a remarkable improvement in her emotional regulation and overall well-being. Her academic performance has soared, and she’s developed stronger, positive relationships both at school and home.

I feel confident that Inger will remain a valuable resource for her in the future if needed.


Solicitor, Ely

The biggest shift has been within myself

Working through the trauma I had hidden away for decades, although painful and frightening at times, has given me a sense of freedom I never thought possible.

I now feel at peace with myself, and that has transformed not just my relationship with my daughter but also with my husband.

Before, I was the “alpha parent”, dismissing his opinions. Now, we work as a team, and I truly value his input.


to E

I arrived to Inger as an egotistical, prideful young man, in disbelief that any of this would be of any benefit to me

Suffice to say I was very quickly proven wrong.

Inger gives you the foundations to implement change in your day-to-day life. It’s not just about airing out your grievances, but understanding what causes them, and how you can control them when they arise again.

It takes just a small amount of courage to start the journey, but what you are left with are skills that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for all the help you’ve been able to provide me over the past few months. It’s honestly been invaluable and I feel like a totally different person now.


Sales, Bishops Stortford

We were sinking & drowning and got to a point where we knew…

“this isn’t working, something needs to give!”

We now see so many positive changes with our daughter’s attitude towards school and her schoolwork, she is happier and we have a lot more conversations as a family.

We are so glad we realised we needed support, that we couldn’t do it ourselves and it was worth the time, energy and money because at the end of the day, family is so important.  If those foundations are breaking, then you need to find support.

Father & Step-Mother

I found your workshop incredibly helpful …

and will spend time putting into practice the advice that you gave and the really helpful information and solutions you provided afterwards.

Thank you.

JFAN Workshop

Feb 2023

My son has always been an anxious child…

but had become increasingly so in the recent years especially when it came to changes in routine and going to school became a particular issue.

After his sessions with Inger, he appeared less anxious, more self-controlled and calmer,  generally a much happier child.

I wouldn’t hesitate to ask for Inger’s help again.

J.L. - Bishop’s Stortford

Pathway Process

 It felt like a ticking time bomb!

Lockdown had brought existing problems that had been bubbling in the background to a head. Our family life was quite dysfunctional and things would often flare up and get out of hand… it felt like a ticking time bomb!

We’ve realised that we needed a different perspective on how things were between us all and had so many moments of realisation and seeing where we were going wrong and how we could approach things differently.

If you value the relationship, you are in and you value the people around you then it’s definitely worth the investment to work with Inger.

J.S. (mother)

Saffron Walden

My son was sad, upset, struggling to understand and did a lot of ritual, OCD things.

His lack of confidence was causing most of his anxiety but as a result of our sessions, his confidence grew, and I saw results quite quickly. Inger helped me as well, to understand and to learn how to deal with his problems.

Things are great now. he’s more confident, a little cheekier and answers back… normal teenage stuff.



I had a tendency to be over protective towards my daughter.

By dealing with my past events through EFT I was able to move on and improve the relationship I have with my daughter.

We are now much happier and are so thankful to Inger for the difference she has made to our family.


Saffron Walden

I suffered from issues with intrusive thoughts.

These thoughts were near-constant and would deeply disturb me.

I’d feel disgusted with myself and would often fly into an all-consuming panic where I would spend hours ruminating on them and what a terrible person, I must be.

I am now in a much better place. I’m able to let these thoughts go and if they do get to me, I find tapping a great strategy to calm me down and allow me to see things more rationally.

R.S. Student - Warwickshire

Pathway Process (video sessions)

Understanding the causes of anxiety and how the brain responds…

Was so incredibly valuable as it helps me to understand the behaviour and the reasons for it and it also helped me to be better equipped to deal with it.

SWCHS Workshop

Feb 2023

Our son was struggling with bullying at school

and Inger helped him to work through his feelings of sadness and isolation and to distance himself from feeling like a victim and to take charge of the situation.

It was a very positive experience and one we’d repeat should we need to!


Cambridge, Pathway Process

Wanted to say how much I enjoyed your workshop.

So good to stop and properly think about anxiety.

I will definitely take home the idea of…

‘Your Own Mask First’ and it seems so obvious but so easy to forget to do.

Also thought the ‘smoke alarm’ that needs to be adjusted is a really useful analogy.


Saffron Walden, Online Workshop

EFT is a fantastic tool…

I was really happy to be reminded of it.

Inger shared a lot of useful information and advice during the workshop.

SWCHS Workshop

May 2021

Our son said…

the worries used to control him but now he’s in control of his worries…

He’s the boss of his worries and can shut them up.

Thank you very much for your support, help and advice, Inger.

D & H, Essex

Parents of child with anxiety

Thank you putting on the Parenting an Anxious Child workshop. 

The techniques to help my child cope with his anxieties are very helpful…

The way you delivered the workshop was brilliant and I felt comfortable with how you presented it.


Saffron Walden, Online Workshop

Thank you for the Zoom workshop.

I learnt from your workshop how the back part of your brain stops the front half from working/thinking.

I explained this concept to my daughter and we have both used this in situations that have caused anxiety.

I was surprised how the tapping technique worked to relieve stress.


SWCHS Workshop

One of the most profound changes has been with my parents

Through the work I did with Inger, I’ve healed old wounds and reconnected with them in a way I never thought possible.

My dad even said…

‘It’s the best money I’ve ever spent.’

Thanks to Inger, we’ve got our relationship back, and my parents have got us both back.



Our home was full of conflict

Before Inger, Louis’s mood swings were overwhelming, and I felt like I was failing as a mother.

Inger’s approach helped us focus on our own reactions, and that changed everything.

I’ve learned to stay calm, which helps Louis stay calm too.

Our house is now peaceful, and I finally feel empowered as a parent.


Mother of three, London

My son did a lot of ritualistic things…

Stepping over doorways, turning lights or taps on and off.

We worked on building his confidence and relationships with others.

Inger sat with me on a 1-1 basis and explained the whole process and when having sessions with my son, she’d invite me to join them and was teaching me techniques that would help him.

Inger wasn’t just helping my child; she was helping us be a team to try and get to grips with the ritualistic behaviour and obsessive thoughts.



After her session, my daughter got in the car and said…

“I’m SHATTERED from getting upset…

But feel sooo much better for it

I LOVE Inger….

she just gets me.

Thank You Inger.

Mother, Saffron Walden

April 2023

I was in a deep depression, my body was filled with anxiety, it was all consuming and I found it difficult to relax or sleep.

Having suffered from depression and anxiety before, I was extremely negative and couldn’t see a way to recovery. It was a very frightening time in my life.

I feel so much better being able to use the techniques I’ve learnt to calm my anxiety.

During our sessions, Inger has taught me to trust my emotions, to let myself feel them and most importantly to love myself.

J.D. 21, student - Saffron Walden

Pathway Process

Good simple explanation about the fight flight reaction..

I’m really pleased to have been introduced to EFT, something that I am keen to explore further.

SWCHS Workshop

March 2021

Homework was my daughter’s trigger and she’d have off the charts, total and devastating meltdowns!

She refused to ask for help from her teachers if she didn’t understand something and when she asked us for advice or help it always resulted in her shouting, crying and throwing things, including her phone and laptop!

This behaviour was happening every weekend for about a year and we dreaded the weekend because we never knew what would trigger her.

We felt stuck and didn’t know how to help her.

Since our sessions with, Inger, she is able to handle her school life much better and her outbursts and meltdowns are significantly reduced.

She is a happier teenager in general who laughs a lot more these days.


Bishop’s Stortford

The workshop was clear and well presented …

and it’s good to be reminded of how our bodies and brain respond to anxiety.

I am always keen to keep learning as much as possible and everything you said made complete sense. Being able to involve parents/family and give them some support/guidance/strategies as to how to help is invaluable.


SWCHS Workshop

Feb 2021

It’s so hard to remain calm when dealing with your child’s anger…

You end up thinking you’re failing as a parent and feel helpless and in turn it begins to affect your own wellbeing.

EFT helps you reset so you are calm when your teenager needs you the most.

SWCHS Workshop

May 2020

My son’s anxiety had reached an almost debilitating level

Inger taught him that it’s ok to have concerns and to be nervous and how to deal with them before they become overwhelming.

Inger provided him with techniques to manage his anxiety.


Bishop’s Stortford

When we attended one of your workshops…

It was like a light bulb moment.

It’s about finding the right help for the right person and you were perfect for our son.

H & D

Online Workshop

From the very beginning, I found Inger very trustworthy. I didn’t know anything about her and yet, somehow, she built that trust in me.

I knew deep down that this is the right decision to make and…

from the moment we met Inger, I just knew my daughter was in a safe place…

She looked forward to every single session and would put a note in the family organiser as she never wanted to miss the session.

To have that neutral person to talk to, someone who wouldn’t judge her, who would help her with some of the problems and show her how she can manage/deal with it all, was a massive help for her. 

She has learnt to find a way to protect herself. She’s making steps towards maturing emotionally.

Mother, Saffron Walden

Anxiety caused by divorce and having to spend time with dad's new family

Very well explained…


Some great advice and tips.

SWCHS Workshop

March 2022

I’d feel disgusted with myself and would fly into an all-consuming panic…

and spent hours ruminating on them and what a terrible person I must be for having them.

Our sessions were held online which worked well for me and I was able to fully experience EFT without having to travel.

I’m in a much better place now and able to let these thoughts go. I find tapping a great strategy to calm me down and allow me to see things more rationally.


Student, Warwickshire

If you’re despairing of ever finding effective help for your child or teenager, please click the button below to find out how I can help…

Inger has been a tremendous support in helping us understand and embrace our daughter’s non-binary identity

Since our heartfelt conversation in London, we’ve seen a remarkable transformation in their confidence and happiness.

Inger’s empathetic approach and practical tools, like the tapping technique for managing anxiety, have been invaluable to our family.


HR, Cambridge

I was completely overwhelmed and in crisis…

Thinking the focus needed to be entirely on fixing my daughter, after she was hospitalised.

I thought my trauma from my late teens and early twenties was long buried, but I hadn’t realised how much it was impacting the way I parented her.

Inger helped me see that healing my own past wounds was the key to changing our family dynamic



Inger provided the tools and insights that made a world of difference for our daughter and our family.

As a parent, I realised I was too close to the situation to make an effective impact.

Inger helped us navigate through a challenging time, particularly during our daughter’s GCSE year, and empowered her to express her feelings and manage stress much more effectively.

She is now more self-accepting, open, and better at managing her emotions.

I’m so grateful for the help we received and highly recommend seeking external support when it feels overwhelming.


Admin, Leyton

Our son was struggling with bullying at school!

Inger was able to work through his feelings of sadness and isolation and helped him to distance himself from feeling like a victim and to take charge of the situation. 

It was a very positive experience and one we would repeat should we need to.

N.W. – Cambridge

Pathway Process

I found the science of it all fascinating…

It really helps to understand the seemingly irrational behaviour anxiety induces.

SWCHS Workshop

June 2021

I had a tendency to be over protective towards my daughter and this was having a negative impact on our family life.

We are now much happier and are so thankful to Inger for the difference she has made to our family.

Inger has taught us strategies to help us with difficult situations and my daughter feels that EFT has helped her enormously.

Inger has a lovely welcoming approach and showed great empathy and understanding and I can’t recommend her enough.

K.C. – Mother, Saffron Walden

Pathway Process

After her sessions with Inger…

I found out how badly my daughter felt and how much she had been suffering in silence!

The biggest benefit is that she has found her old happy-go-lucky self again.

I’m a huge advocate of EFT and know that it is very effective.

S. L. - Newport

Pathway Process

During the workshop, Inger explained how…

Teenagers are taken over by the functions of the brain…

hence they cannot listen and are unable to reason or see sense.

SWCHS Workshop

May 2020

Very informative and easy to understand…

Thank you.

SWCHS Workshop

March 2021

 Before my daughter started working with Inger…

She was full of self-doubt and prone to bursts of anger!

My daughter can now ride out all the emotional turmoil that gets triggered by peers, school work and at home and now meets it with far more self-awareness.

The support and tools obtained, as well as the awareness that arises from Inger’s work for both the child and parent, has been a crucial part of our growth.


Saffron Walden

I would highly recommend working with Inger. 

She took the stress away from daily, busy life and everyday struggles…

she took a lot of “luggage” away from my shoulders…

and dealt with them in a very gentle, very human, very holistic way, which was very precious.

O. (mother)

Saffron Walden, Child with anxiety

Thank you for being so lovely with H yesterday.

After his session I said to him, “I’m not going to ask you how it went or what you talked about, but are you okay?”

His response was…

“Inger is the BEST! When is my next session?”

Mother of H

What I appreciate the most is that on a few occasions, my daughter would come to me to talk, which is new and amazing!

That didn’t happen before.


the conversation is open, honest and without any emotional tension…

Which is amazing and wonderful.

Thank you. 


Essex, Daughter had anxiety after parents divorce

Since his sessions with Inger, our son isn’t coming to us for constant reassurance and when things are on his mind, he’ll come and talk to us rather than hiding it or he’ll be completely open and say, what’s worrying him.

Although he’s worried about doing things, he doesn’t let it stop him from doing something if he wants to.

His friends were doing aptitude tests to get into secondary schools and he wanted to have a go at them all.

He said he didn’t want to regret not having a go.

This was a BIG thing for him.

At one point he said…

“Mum, I’m going to have to tap like crazy for this one!”

But he was smiling and joking about it and he came out of them full of confidence.

Parents, Steeple Bumpstead

Anxiety and worries exacerbated by the sudden loss of grandparents

My son was anxious about life, leaving the house, school, and friends.

He wasn’t sleeping well, and wasn’t happy.

As a family, we were worried about how to help him out of the ‘pit’ that he told us he felt he was in.

We’ve learned how to talk to our child and how to understand their anxieties.

Our child felt very comfortable working with Inger and we can now help him manage his feelings.


Teacher, Sawston

Very informative and a good starting point in dealing with our child’s anxiety…

Thank you very much, the workshop was very useful and very well delivered.

SWCHS Workshop

Nov 2020, Pathway Process

My daughter said it had felt like she was wearing a tight band which she ‘wore’ 24/7!

The biggest benefit is that she has found her old happy-go-lucky self again.

I’m a huge advocate of EFT, it’s very effective.


Newport, Pathway Process

Thank you for the workshop…

I’m definitely feeling calmer and more understanding about my daughter’s anxiety…

She’s doing really well at the moment.

