Parenting is the hardest and most relentless thing you will ever do.
And unlike other hard things – like learning a new language or climbing Everest – we are expected to do it with zero training.
In fact, it’s worse – the only training available is the internalised way we ourselves were raised that runs like invisible (unconscious) hard-wired software in the background.
And if you’re anything like me and my clients, that’s not necessarily the kind of parenting you want to model and also, you can’t raise your children the way your parents raised you because that world no longer exists.
The fairytale family you dreamed of has become a nightmare or has faded into the distance.
- The sweet two month old is now a swearing teenager.
- Your family dinners (if they ever happen) descend into arguments.
- And if you’re completely honest, every now and then you fantasise about running away to Bora Bora!
Here’s what I believe:
If your family life is unhappy you need to become a better leader of your family.
- Wallowing in guilt won’t do it.
- Blaming the school, their unsuitable friends or social media won’t do it.
- Trying to be their best friend won’t do it.
The good news is that the relationship with your children that you always imagined you would have is absolutely possible.
You just need a little help.
Through working with me, parents have…
- Finally processed decades-old emotions that were getting in the way of being a present parent for the child in front of them
- Released anxiety around never being good enough and started trusting their innate parenting instincts
- Worked out how to set healthy, consistent boundaries with authority and ease
As if by magic their child’s…
- Anger outbursts have melted away
- The dark unspeakable thoughts have evaporated
- Their social media use is no longer problematic
- They go to school in the morning without drama
- The monsters under the bed have been tamed and going to bed is no longer an issue

Can’t wait? Need help now?
Families are wonderfully complex to support and as the family grows, the dynamics get more and more complicated.
Sometimes the problem IS your child but more often than not, it started with you.
What that means is it’s in your power to change – book your WayForward Consultation with me here and let’s get you on the path to reclaiming your happy family.
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”
Opening line of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

“I tapped all the way back, had a little cry and called my dad, explaining after 27 years, things are making sense.
I’m understanding myself and I finally feel free.
It’s an incredible feeling, finally understanding who you really are and the grey parts of your life changing to colour.
I’m still very much processing everything but I really feel ok.
My Dad told me last night this was the best money he ever spent.
We’re so grateful for you and things would have been very different for our family if we hadn’t found you.
Thank you from the bottom of our mending hearts”
Mum social worker, Ely
I hear you! My blogs are one-sided and unfair. The answer always seems to be that you have to change when really it is your child who is the one with the problem. I get it, I truly do, and it’s hard but I also know that all families become happier when parents find a...
Last month I wrote about ‘Fire and Fury’ and how to avoid escalating the situation when your child or teen declares war by shouting ‘I hate you’ to your face, and you find yourself morphing into Kim Jong-un or Donald Trump. I promised that I’d return with advice...
In a recent blog I wrote about ‘button pushing’ in our relationship with our children and how our own unresolved childhood stuff surfaces for healing when we get triggered by our Dear Darlings. When searching for images for the blog I came across this meme: And that...